Monday, August 11, 2014

Free eBook: E-commerce for Sports and Recreation Organizations

9:19 AM

E-commerce for Sports and Recreation Organizations"E-commerce for Sports and Recreation Organizations"

A Guide to Increased Revenue with E-commerce

If in 1994 someone told you that in 20 years almost everything you could ever want or need could be purchased online, do you think you would have believed them?  Probably not. Amazon didn't actually go online until 1995 but 1994 was the year it was founded and it was still about 5-10 years before it became the goliath it is today. Jeff Bezos saw the potential of the internet, planted that seed and 20 years later we have the Amazon we know today.

subscribeYou are probably asking yourself what does this have to do with my organization?  Many sports and recreation organizations have websites and some offer online registration but most still do not know how to leverage e-commerce to maximize revenue from current core clients and plant the seed for future growth and increased revenue.  This e-book will summarize the evolution of e-commerce and online spending and will show you how you can use e-commerce to increase revenue and attract a new generation of clients.

If Amazon can go from selling books online to selling groceries, shoes and cat litter, you can also benefit from e-commerce.


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